Annual Reports in the COVID-19 Era

Annual Reports in the COVID-19 Era

It's December, which means that for the nonprofit sector, it is annual report time! If you are looking for tips on how to write an excellent annual report, we suggest you use the 70, 20, 10 rule! 70% stories, 20% impact data, and 10% ask. Check out our blog from 2019 to learn more about The Secret to Crafting an Excellent Annual Report.

This year, however, we are amid a global pandemic. COVID-19 hit the nonprofit sector with a sledgehammer. For instance, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reports, "Nonprofits shed more than 1.6 million jobs from March through May, or 13 percent of all nonprofit jobs in America, according to estimates from Johns Hopkins University. " Nonprofits have a higher workload with fewer staff and resources, not to mention that they needed to change their programs and operations significantly to adjust to a virtual world.

Therefore in a year that is incredibly "extra," you need to add 50% to the 70,20,10 rule!

50% of your annual report this year must reflect your COVID-19 reality. Tell stories of your programs AND relate those stories to the COVID-19 adaptations you made. Share your impact data AND highlight the before and after picture of your impacts due to COVID-19. Ask for donations AND explain why giving to your organization is necessary and unique.

Donors and volunteers want to hear about how you persevered amid struggle and how you continue to achieve your mission. If you neglect to address the elephant in the room that COVID-19 represents, your annual report will seem out of touch and irrelevant. Address the COVID-19 reality that you operate in, and you share the full picture of your accomplishments and the additional support you need.

If you need help writing your annual report or want someone to audit your report for its impact, contact Spark Group today for a free initial consultation!

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