Preparing for Time Off: How to Set Aside Work and Enjoy Your Vacation

Preparing for Time Off: How to Set Aside Work and Enjoy Your Vacation

Holiday vacations are right around the corner. Likely, some folks out there are counting down the days; those vacations can’t come soon enough! But for others – especially some overworked nonprofit leaders I know – the idea of holiday vacations is just one more thing to stress over! 

Does this sound familiar?

How am I going to get everything done before the break? 


Break? Ha! What break? I end up working right through my “vacation” anyway.

It doesn’t have to!

Here are a few tips to help you set aside work and enjoy your vacation.

Make a List

I know, I know. I’m probably preaching to the choir here. What busy nonprofit leader doesn’t already have a to-do list about a million miles long …

But hear me out.

Find a moment when you are relaxed and (relatively) stress-free to make this list. This list you are about to write isn’t your typical, nonprofit leader’s exhaustive list of EVERYTHING you have to get done, ever. This is a prioritized list of just what you should - and realistically can - accomplish prior to the vacation or holiday closing.

And then, when it comes to work, stop at your list!  

Remember: You are already a hardworking leader. You don't have to do everything, PLUS the tasks of another employee or colleague who is vacationing or sick. Some things can wait.  

Say it again, with me. Some things can wait!

Utilize an automated email feature

This is also something many of you probably already do when you are away. For anyone who may be unfamiliar with this feature, in your email settings you can set up an automated reply to be sent to anyone who emails you between the dates you set. The typical message is something like, “I am away on vacation and will be back on _______(date).

But something else you might consider, especially if your entire office or organization closes down for the holiday, is adding something to your email signature line during the week prior to the closing or vacation, letting folks know that you will be unreachable between x and y dates. Start establishing those boundaries early on. This can also be a good way to model for others in your organization that it is OK and healthy for them to prioritize their vacation time, and not to let work creep into time with family and friends.

Speaking of modeling …

Follow the ‘Golden Rule’

In other words, treat others the way you expect to be treated.

If you want your employees to feel appreciated this holiday season, then follow these simple tips:

When they are off on their much-needed vacations:

❎ Don’t call them

❎ Don’t email them

❎ Don’t text them

Let your team really enjoy their time AWAY, and show them that your organization truly values and honors time off. It then becomes much easier for the organization to honor your time away, too.

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