Crafting Compelling Client Stories—that Honor Dignity

Crafting Compelling Client Stories—that Honor Dignity

Think of the last fundraising appeal that you wrote. Did it include a client's story? Using personal stories can be powerful but any time you tell someone else's story you need to proceed with caution.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie talks about this dynamic in her TED talk, the Danger of a Single Story—an account so moving that it has over 31 million views.

If you are going to use a client's story, and do so in a way that honors all of their unique stories then you must first develop your relationship.

No relationship = No respect

When you don't develop relationships first you could:

  • Oversimplify their life

  • Inaccurately describe the benefit you provided

  • Use language the client finds offensive

  • Potentially put your client at risk

Craft Impactful Stories that Show Respect

So how do you craft fundraising stories that are impactful but also show respect for your clients? Well, that was the topic of my conversation with Holly Rustick on this week's episode of her top-ranked podcast, Grant Writing and Funding.

In the episode we discuss the problem with sharing stories that lean into drama in order to convince donors to give. We also talk about several tips for ensuring your narratives send a message of hope.

Here is a sneak peek at the tips:

  • Get permission

  • Change names

  • Write as if the client will read your account

This advice and more are included in the conversation as well as a link to a few workbook pages.

Listen to the Podcast:

How Nonprofits can Share Stories of Impact that Honor the Dignity of Clients.

Follow the link to check it out, and use the advice the next time you're working your fundraising appeals.

If you're looking for even more help writing fundraising narratives, contact Spark Group Consulting today. 

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