Evaluating if a New Opportunity is a Good Fit

Evaluating if a New Opportunity is a Good Fit

Whether it’s because you’re setting resolutions or designing annual strategic objectives, the beginning of the year is ripe with new opportunities. You've likely heard the advice to choose goals that are realistic or 'right-sized' but may be wondering how to determine if an approach is the best fit. Therefore, here are some guiding questions for you to consider when evaluating your next opportunity.

Does it align with our mission?

In the nonprofit sector, we live and die by our mission. Everything we do or offer must support our overall vision for the change we seek to enact. So the first question we should ask ourselves when launching a new program, establishing organizational goals, or even individual Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is does this opportunity align with our mission? This may seem obvious or trivial, but it is a quick test that will help you avoid wasting time on an approach. Additionally, knowing how the opportunity supports your mission gives you language and avenues to pull in support.

Does it overlap with or complement any of our current offerings?

Another helpful lens for evaluating an opportunity is whether or not you — or your organization— are already engaging in this work. If so, then the new option might dovetail or complement that ongoing effort. However, if upon reflection, you determine that the opportunity causes duplicated work then you probably don't need to reinvent the wheel. Make sure to consider your external stakeholders and partners in this assessment. For example, if you are evaluating whether to start a new program, you want to know who else in your community is already working in that arena. Maybe you could combine forces, or maybe you will determine that the need is already met.

Do we have the organizational capacity to include this new opportunity?

One big thing to consider when taking on a new initiative is whether or not you have enough resources to do the job well. A new goal may seem critical to your organization but if you don't have the necessary staff time, supplies, or tools needed to achieve success then you have to work hard to secure those resources first. It may be hard to say no due to a lack of capacity, though setting your team up for burnout and failure from the beginning isn't a good solution either.

Do our clients think it’s a good fit?

While last in our list of suggestions, this question is likely the most important. Too many organizations plow on full steam ahead without engaging clients and receiving their feedback. If you want to determine whether an opportunity is a good fit for your organization you must consider your clients' thoughts and opinions. Ask clients when you see them in the office, host a town hall or listening session, send out a survey, the avenue is up to you. There are several ways to include your clients' voices if you make it a priority.

So, next time you are considering a new opportunity use these guiding questions. They are helpful for individual reflection or as a discussion topic at your next staff meeting.

If you're looking for support when determining your annual goals and strategies then we are here to help! Contact Spark Group today for more information.

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