One Hour to Increase Sustainability

One Hour to Increase Sustainability

Tell me if you can relate. You’re a busy nonprofit leader. Every day, a new emergency requires your attention, and reaching the bottom of your to-do list is difficult. If that sounds like you, then you aren’t alone. We hear this from nonprofit leaders all the time. 

Those leaders use phrases like, “I’m too busy doing the work to think about ___.” or “I haven’t taken a vacation in years. I simply don’t have the staff coverage.” or even, “My team is burnt out and I don’t know what to do to offer them support.”

When this is your daily mode of operation, it feels suffocating. You know you need a break, but you aren’t sure how to get it. 

You’re stuck in a reactive nonprofit work environment. 

The daily fires

Reactive leadership feels like constantly putting out daily fires. The magic wand to combating this dynamic is for you to be intentionally proactive. Proactivity feels like a deep breath, a warm cup of coffee, or a clear plan. 

What do I do?

You may be thinking, That sounds nice, but how do I get to that proactive environment!? 

There is a simple solution that can make a big difference. 

Give yourself one hour. 

Guarding your time

Set aside one hour a week for strategic thinking. Reflect on what has been going well in your organization, what you might want to address, and what boundaries you might want to set for yourself. Guard that time because it is your opportunity to set aside the daily fires and focus on the future. 

We can help!

Want to hear something great? We have a great way to spend your hour next week! Join us on February 15th at 11 AM EST for a free webinar focused on the (proactive) work of cultivating healthy teams!

During this one-hour event, you will:

✅ Learn how to recruit the best candidates for your team

✅ Reflect on why keeping your talent is so hard – spoiler alert, you’re not alone!

✅ Hear about strategies and practices that will keep your team engaged

✅ Develop a roadmap to increase your employee retention! 

⭐ Register by using this link ⭐

So set aside one hour and set your organization on the path to increased sustainability! 

If you need help with your organization’s strategies and fundraising needs, contact us today at Spark Group!

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