Introducing our New Book "Calm: How to End Destructive Conflict in Your Church"

Introducing our New Book "Calm: How to End Destructive Conflict in Your Church"

We are so excited to announce the August release of a brand new book entitled Calm: How to End Destructive Conflict in Your Church, from Abington Press. Spark Group consultants Mary Gladstone-Highland and Christina Wichert have co-authored this book with their good friend and colleague, Katy Stokes. We began developing this curriculum back in 2018, so getting that first author’s copy of the book has been quite a moment of celebration for us!

If you are a person of faith and your church is struggling with conflicts regarding how to get back to ministry as it was before the pandemic, how to adjust theological debates or any other issue, then this book is for you! Look for it on August 15th, 2023.

A Sneak Peak

The following is a short excerpt from Calm: How to End Destructive Conflict in Your Church, published by Abington Press. Look for the entire curriculum later this summer!

Conflicts can be incredibly hard to navigate. When not handled well, they can create division and harm faith communities, but that doesn’t need to be the case. You probably picked up this book because you are in the middle of a conflict at your church or you know someone similarly struggling. You likely feel tired and lost, searching for a guidebook to resolve the tension.

In these chapters, you will learn how to help your church address conflict through critical conversations that lead to thriving faith communities. This text includes five modules you can use to create healthier conflict resolution. Calm offers a step-by-step curriculum so that you have all the tools and resources necessary within these pages to address your conflict proactively and create a future path that works for everyone.

In the book, you will learn the following:

  • Why handling conflict proactively benefits your congregation

  • How to make collective decisions

  • The roles that your church members can play in conflict resolution

  • And a step-by-step curriculum for engaging your church community in the conflict-resolution process

Calm is an invaluable resource for church leaders and members seeking to foster unity and reconciliation within their congregations. This insightful book explores key topics such as collective decision-making, cultural context, roles, managing difficult emotions, and leadership preparation. With practical tools and compassionate guidance, the book equips readers to navigate conflicts with grace and wisdom, ultimately mapping a path forward toward healing, growth, and renewed harmony in the church community.

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