Celebrating Capital Campaign Successes Starts on day one

Celebrating Capital Campaign Successes Starts on day one

Capital campaigns are the intentional and strategic process of raising large sums of funds for a particular purpose or project. Many times capital campaigns fund building projects, endowments, and major initiatives. Think of it this way: Do you need to raise an additional $50,000 to support a new program this year? If so, you likely need a fundraising campaign. However, do you need to raise $3 Million dollars to purchase and renovate a new community center? If so, then that is likely a multi-year process that takes special consideration and coordination. Your multi-year, $3 Million dollar project is a capital campaign. 

There are many parts and stages to a capital campaign but one of the most important aspects is to celebrate your successes along the way no matter how small. Did you finally make the decision to move forward with your new capital campaign? Great! Congratulations! Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the moment. Did you secure your first major donor? Fantastic! Make sure to celebrate that milestone with your team. When you engage in a long and sometimes drawn-out endeavors like a capital campaign it is important to celebrate the smaller wins in order to build momentum towards the larger goal. 

Additionally, when you begin the public phase of your campaign there will be a number of moments where celebrating the great work of your organization and the advancements towards your goal will be crucial. Donors are motivated by successful campaigns and the more you celebrate success along the way the more the campaign’s momentum will pick up speed. 

Make sure to intentionally build into your campaign the moments and ways in which you will pat yourself and your donors on the back for the hard work that you’ve accomplished together! If you are interested in learning more about how to structure and launch your next campaign then Spark Group Consulting is here to help! Contact us today for a free 30-minute chat!

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