How to Conduct a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Evaluation

How to Conduct a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Evaluation

A Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) evaluation is critical to an organization's end-of-the-year review. While this might not be a part of an organization's current end-of-the-year process, it is an important piece to add. The evaluation could be done by a task force that includes the Executive Director, Board of Directors, staff, and clients. The task force should then have the liberty to conduct the evaluation. There are a couple of ways to conduct this evaluation. 

One way for the task force to conduct the evaluation is by assessing where the organization is on its DEI journey. There is a tool that the task force can use to help them with this process, and It is the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Spectrum Tool created by the Meyer Memorial Trust. Here is an article that outlines the tool. The tool goes through 12 areas in the organization to analyze and review. The tool is a pretty comprehensive evaluation. 

Another way to conduct the evaluation is by focusing on reviewing the organization's current DEI goals, policies, and DEI statement. First, the task focus should assess current goals, see if they have been completed, and analyze barriers when achieving them. The task force should then create goals for the upcoming year. Next, the task force should review your policies and see if they align with the organization's values and DEI statement. Finally, the DEI statement should be updated and portray where the organization currently stands.

 The task force should also recommend workshops and continuing education opportunities for staff and volunteers for the upcoming year pertaining to DEI. It is important that this work is done together as an organization.

At the end of the evaluation process, the task force should compile a data and anecdotes report. Then, you can include pieces of the findings in the annual report. The results of the evaluation should be communicated to both the organization and the community.      

A DEI evaluation is an integral part of the end-of-the-year review because an organization's DEI work impacts many aspects of an organization. It impacts programming, staffing, volunteers, and the organization's overall impact on the community. The task force that completes the evaluation can also help the organization with any DEI concerns and opportunities for growth throughout the year. A DEI evaluation is a critical piece that should be included in all organization's year-end reviews.           


Here are more resources to use in the evaluation process:

Update Your DEI Playbook by Joan C. William and James D. White 

Joan C. William’s Website:

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