All tagged Mental Health

How to Set Healthy Boundaries as a Nonprofit Leader

A common badge of honor that we wear as nonprofit professionals is the one that states “I’m overworked!” It is time to change that narrative! You are a superhero! You are running a social service organization trying to solve the world’s most pressing problems on limited resources. I totally affirm that you are working your tail off and that you are tired! However, it is imperative that we take the necessary steps to handle our stress in order to help move our organizations forward.

Four Ways to Improve Mental Health in Your Organization

As a leader, you understand that to take care of the well-being of an organization, you must care about the well-being of its people. Mental wellness is critical to reducing burnout, increasing productivity and staff retention, and improving functioning across many key skill areas, from communication to creativity to task completion. Healthy organizations must foster an environment that promotes mental health and wellness in order to thrive. Consider these ways you can support mental health in your organization.