Case Study: How to Share Stories That Honor the Dignity of Those We Serve

Case Study: How to Share Stories That Honor the Dignity of Those We Serve

How we talk about our clients says a lot about our organization. This week Mary takes a look at two homeless shelters to evaluate how they share stories about clients.

Organization A

This organization focused on the great work that they were doing in the community. The story described in great detail the graphic circumstances of that client. The story was accompanied by a picture of a person on the street that was aimed at evoking strong, uncomfortable, emotions.

Org A.png

Organization B

Organization B focuses on the assets of the client in a campaign entitled “See Me”. They use a flattering photograph of the client and talk about how the client and the organization worked together to achieve success.

See Me Org B.png

4 Tips for Telling Stories That Honor Dignity

  1. Change the names of individuals

  2. Get permission to use the story.

  3. Tell the story as if the client will read it

  4. Tell stories that highlight the clients assets

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