Top Five Reasons Networking Groups Improve Fundraising

Top Five Reasons Networking Groups Improve Fundraising

Fundraising can be challenging or lose momentum if we do not pay close attention to our donors. Unfortunately, though, this dynamic leaves many development professionals feeling isolated. You are not alone! Professional networking groups can inspire a fresh perspective or put the ‘fun’ back into fundraising. Here are the top five reasons professional networking groups can improve your fundraising. 

Meet other professionals who enjoy fundraising 

When you attend a professional networking event, you meet other individuals who share similar interests and passion for philanthropy. Think of it as a support group to boost your confidence or a way to promote yourself. In addition, there may be high-profile individuals who could provide career advice or referrals. 

Learn the latest trends and gaps

Seasoned fundraisers and experts are invited to conferences and professional networking events to share their knowledge and research with others. Take advantage of workshop offerings and presentations to gain a different perspective, the latest trends, and gaps in fundraising. Fundraising is constantly evolving with new technology and shifts in economic wealth. These experts have conducted years of research, so you can be prepared to cultivate and steward your donors using a different approach.

Rethink strategies and goals

Professional networking is a great way to exchange information on fundraising challenges. As a group member, you can receive insight or feedback right away. Peers are likely to share mistakes or roadblocks. This exchange can help you prepare a backup plan or an opportunity to rethink your fundraising strategies.

Gain new clients or partners 

There are many different individuals and groups that attend professional networking events. There are businesses that want you to use their services (e.g., promotional materials, consulting services, or a venue for your events). There are recruiters or hiring managers on the lookout for strong talent. Additionally, some organizations want to learn new fundraising strategies or build team capacity with new partners. You will likely get a referral or a new project if you make an impression.

Take advantage of membership benefits

Joining a professional networking group is an investment in your career. Some provide access to a resource library with templates and guides to make fundraising easy to plan and execute. Some will have a job bulletin for you to share opportunities for someone to join your team or for you to work with a different employer. Almost all professional networking groups have a membership directory so that you can reach out to a potential mentor for a coffee chat. 

Professional networking is beneficial to your career and a great way to meet other professionals who are enthusiastic about sharing their insight and ideas. Below are some professional networking groups that may be of interest to you. Keep in mind that each association is different and may be specific to a particular industry (e.g., a group for academic institutions, grantwriters, foundations). Join the ones that work best for you.

Some cities might have a local chapter or networking group if you do not want to join a national association. You can find these smaller networking groups on social media like Facebook or LinkedIn. You can also coordinate your own local networking group. We would be happy to assist with your next meet-and-greet networking event! Schedule a 30-minute chat today.

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