All tagged Fundraising

Marketing 101: Sharing your impact, so donors take notice

Many nonprofit leaders need help crafting a comprehensive marketing plan that shares their impact and causes donors to take notice. They either don't spend enough time crafting a strategy and instead post here and there on their social media when an event is coming up or when it's time to ask for money. Or, they feel lost, unaware of the best practices for nonprofit organizations.

So, here are our top nonprofit marketing tips:

Fundraising Activities with High Return on Investment

Fundraising is like the stock market. Some stock options are conservative or highly volatile. You have to take a risk to gain or lose a profit, but you need to be strategic about it. You can measure an investment’s profitability by assessing its return on investment. Similarly, in a fundraising world, you have to invest in your donors, be strategic and determine which fundraising activities will produce a high return on investment. Read more to find out how.

Five Fun Summer Fundraising Ideas to Kick Off This Season

Things are sizzling up for the summer! Be sure to take advantage of the season, and talk with your staff, volunteers, board members, and supporters to get them fired up for the summer! To inspire your fundraising efforts this summer, here is a list of hot summer fundraising activities that will engage your donors and help you raise money for your organization. Don’t miss out on a fun opportunity to raise awareness about your organization and collect donations for your cause.

Fundraising Events: In Person or Online?

Many of us fundraising professionals have questions about how or when we can host in-person events. Living with the coronavirus for the past two years has taught us new ways technology can support fundraising to coordinate three types of events: in-person, virtual, and hybrid. Most importantly, we should think about what will make for a unique and meaningful experience for donors.