All in Structure

Outputs, Outcomes & Impact: What’s the difference?

Evaluation work is extremely important, and getting it right matters. Good evaluation allows you to know whether or not your efforts are effectively helping you reach your goals, and whether or not you’re making best use of scarce resources. If it turns out your programs aren’t as effective or efficient as you thought – it doesn’t mean you’ve failed. In fact, your evaluation can be used to make any necessary adjustments, learn from your experiences, and improve your offerings in the future.

How to Pivot your Strategic Plan to Meet the COVID Reality

Nonprofit leaders are looking for ways to get back on track with strategic plans developed before the pandemic. But what exactly Pandemic Recovery looks like for each of us varies from organization to organization. Pivoting responds to a new context. It is not the same as ‘mission drift,’ and does NOT signify failure. It takes an organization firmly rooted in its community to respond to its needs.

Top Tools for your Hybrid Workplace

If your team is like ours here at Spark Group, you likely have times when you work remotely and in other situations where you are in person. Sometimes, when working with clients, we work with individuals in-person and virtually simultaneously. Below are our picks for the top tools that help facilitate meaningful hybrid workplaces.

Strategic Planning: It Takes a Team!

As the executive director of a small nonprofit, you are likely in the habit of wearing many different hats at your organization – often multiple hats at the same time. It’s time for your organization to set goals for the upcoming year through a strategic planning process. While some organizations bring in outside consultants to lead this process, you are confident the strategic planning process is one more task you are ready to handle. So, where do you begin?

Planning Accessible Events for People with Disabilities

According to the United States Census Bureau’s 2019 American Community Survey, an estimated 1.4 million people with disabilities live in Michigan (or 14.3%). So, in a group of twenty people, at least three may have some type of disability, which can be visible or non-visible.

Planning your events to be accessible to the disability community is not only the right thing to do. You also demonstrate your commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion by incorporating accessibility in your services, programs, and events..

Program Evaluation and SMART Goals

SMART Goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, and Timebound. It’s useful to think of evaluation as part of a cycle. This allows us to consider the evaluation process at the start of a program cycle. There are many benefits to approaching evaluation this way – the most important being that gathering data and information becomes so much easier throughout the program cycle.