How to Pivot your Strategic Plan to Meet the COVID Reality

How to Pivot your Strategic Plan to Meet the COVID Reality

For the past week at Spark Group, we’ve been having lots of great discussions around Pandemic Recovery for Nonprofits.

Nonprofit leaders across the board are busy looking for ways to get back on track with their strategic plans developed before the Pandemic. But what exactly Pandemic Recovery looks like for each of us, varies from organization to organization.

For some, recovery might mean figuring out how to return to ‘business as usual.’ In examining your organization’s pre-pandemic goals and plans, you realize that -- maybe with a few small tweaks -- those plans are still within reach. Great!

For others, maybe when you look at those pre-pandemic goals and plans, you struggle even to recognize that organization you were two-plus year ago.

And that’s OK, too.

Be Kind to Yourself

If you find yourself in the second scenario – first and foremost, give yourself a little grace. Shut off that little voice in your head telling you you’ve failed -- (I know, I know … easier said than done!) – and remember: You’re leading in a historic moment, and that isn’t easy. You’ve made it this far, and you are resilient!

Be Responsive

Next, consider your new context – and be responsive. I was recently inspired hearing the story of the Youth Mentoring Action Network (YMAN). Throughout the Pandemic shutdown, they were faced with the decision of how to deliver their programming. Staying true to their mission of being a youth-centric organization, they turned to the youth they serve for guidance on what programming should look like. Overwhelmingly they were told, “do less.” Students were already spending 6 hours a day on Zoom for school; they did not want to spend any more time on their computers for any type of virtual mentoring. So the organization pivoted from the programming they were used to delivering, in order to respond to their new context. Instead of delivering a typical mentoring program, they offered youth access other needed resources – telehealth access, job opportunities, a community garden.

Reframe your Narrative

Pivoting is not the same as ‘mission drift’; it’s not an abandonment of what you typically do, and it does NOT signify failure. Quite the opposite. It takes an organization firmly rooted and in tune to its community and mission to be able to pivot and respond to those needs.

Spark Group Can Help

Spark Group’s new program, Forward Through Uncertainty, is a one-day strategy workshop that can helps overwhelmed nonprofit leaders figure out how to pivot. It helps answer the question, “What is the best path forward to increase our sustainability?” If you’re interested in learning more, visit our website.

Whether you work with us or not, use strategy to your advantage. Take a day out of your busy schedules and work out actionable steps, whether your current strategic plan just needs a few tweaks, or if your faced with an opportunity or need to pivot.

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