Creating Space in Your Organization for Time Off

Creating Space in Your Organization for Time Off

In today’s world, where work can follow you anyway, it is hard to take time off. It is hard to set boundaries around work and life outside of work. It is hard to unplug. Nonprofit organizations do amazing things with limited resources and staff, which is wonderful for the mission and the communities they serve, but it can also make it hard for many nonprofit organizations to create space for time off. 

A consultant can help your organization to do a self-assessment of where your organization is at in terms of work-life balance and to help you develop an actionable plan to create a more balanced environment. A consultant will help you create a plan that fits your organization.

 Many organizations are focusing on rest and renewal for their staff. Organizations are realizing that providing these benefits can help retain staff and improve the environment of the organization as a whole. It is also beneficial to the health of the staff and the organization. 

Planned Sabbaticals

One way to provide that time for rest and renewal is through sabbaticals. Organizations are providing sabbaticals for individual staff members or the whole staff. Organizations are adopting this practice from religious nonprofits and providing individuals with longer periods of time off.

The individual provides a plan for what they will do during that time to focus on rest and renewal. It has also become the practice for complete organizations to take weeks and even months off for rest and renewal. The organization analyzes its data and finds the time that they are the least busy and/or when it has the least amount of revenue and closes the organization for that period. The organization usually also has goals and plans for the sabbatical that are focused on rest and renewal. A consultant can help your organization set up policies and/or plans for providing sabbaticals for your staff or your organization as a whole.           

Setting Clear Boundaries

Another way that organizations are creating space for their staff to take time away from their work is by setting clear expectations and boundaries. Your organization can create boundaries around office time, meetings, travel, and workload. Your staff can also create boundaries around items such as when to answer the phone, when to send text messages, and when to read and answer emails. If your staff or your organization needs help setting boundaries, you can hire a consultant to help you work through setting those boundaries proactively so that expectations are clear.        

Leading by Example 

It is also important for the executive directors and the managers to lead by example. It is important that the executive directors and managers take their time off and vacation days to lead by example. Executive directors and managers can also create a culture of rest and renewal. They can normalize it. They can talk about it during staff meetings and plan staff retreats that provide opportunities for rest and relaxation. A consultant can also help you to plan your next staff retreat. 

There are many ways to create a healthy environment for your staff and for your organization that provides a work-life balance. Consider what steps your organization might take today and how a consultant can help. 

Need more help with creating space in your organization for time off? Contact us at Spark Group!

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