Spark Group's 2023 Highlights

Spark Group's 2023 Highlights

As 2023 comes to a close, we wanted to highlight some of Spark Group’s exciting moments:

Nonprofit Experts Podcast Launch

—In each episode, Mary Gladstone-Highland, CEO of Spark Group Consulting, and her guests — everyday, exceptional leaders of the nonprofit sector — discuss the critical issues that impact nonprofits and how they use their assets to provide creative solutions to complex problems.

To check out any of the ELEVEN episodes aired in 2023, you can listen here.

Book Published: Calm

Calm: How to End Destructive Conflict in Your Church is a guidebook written for churches and church leaders to help them proactively make decisions and deal with conflict. This book equips pastors and other leaders with the skills and tools necessary to engage in critical conversations that lead to healthy communities. Interested in reading more? Order a copy here!

New Partnerships

Starting in 2024, Mary Gladstone-Highland will be one of the EMC Arts Adaptive Change-making Facilitators for Culture Source’s EmcArts program.

Spark Group will also be a preferred service provider for the United Way Financial Well-being program.

Continuing Collaborations

We supported mentor agencies through our partnership with MM+

Road Trips

Spark Group went on the road a few times in 2023, to speak at different conferences, to facilitate in-person trainings (yes, those became a ‘thing’ again in 2023!), and deliver workshops based on the curriculum of our new book, Calm.

Speaking of Speaking Engagements…

Spark Group team members were featured speakers and presenters at several conferences in 2023:

On-line Learning Facilitation

We offered several professional development webinars hosted by CareerLearning; a complete list of course titles can be found here.

In YOUR words…

We worked with tons of exceptional clients whom we appreciate very much. Hre is what some of you had to say about us:

Thank you so much for the great service of Spark Group Consulting, LLC. We appreciate just how helpful the Technical Assistance provider showed to G. N. Jail Ministry. **Contact them today for excellent service** — Technical Assistance Client

From this experience, the standout lesson for me was the value of thoughtful planning. It underscored the necessity of occasionally pausing, stepping back, and critically assessing our program. This reflective approach ensures we're not just doing things right, but we're also doing the right things. —Leadership Development Coaching Client

Working with Mary and Christina really developed my thinking about effective planning for our mentoring program. The way that they were able to lay the steps out for us, makes it flow so much more smoother when it is time to execute the action steps. Above the vast amount of knowledge that they bring to the table, they are great human beings. I appreciate the relationship we were able to establish. It made it that much better to enjoy learning from them! — Mentor Agency Client

We look forward to even more fun next year!

Board-Executive Director Relations: A Guide to Avoiding Common Conflicts

Board-Executive Director Relations: A Guide to Avoiding Common Conflicts

Creating Space in Your Organization for Time Off

Creating Space in Your Organization for Time Off