Board-Executive Director Relations: A Guide to Avoiding Common Conflicts

Board-Executive Director Relations: A Guide to Avoiding Common Conflicts

The relationship between Executive Directors (EDs) and the Board of Directors is pivotal for successful operations and long-term sustainability. However, these relationships often come with their fair share of challenges stemming from the inherent differences in the roles each group plays within the organization. In this blog, we will explore common pitfalls and offer valuable insights on how to foster harmonious collaboration between EDs and Boards, with a focus on volunteer boards, level of engagement, shared tasks, and fundraising.

1. Volunteer Boards: The Importance of On-boarding and Continued Education

Most board members are volunteers, often stepping into their roles with varying levels of understanding about their responsibilities. This lack of clarity can result in assumptions that lead to conflicts. Executive Directors may feel micromanaged or abandoned, while board members may experience frustration and embarrassment.


Implement a robust onboarding process for board members to define their roles and responsibilities clearly. Prioritize continued education for both board members and staff, staying up-to-date on best practices and industry changes. This proactive approach establishes a foundation for mutual understanding and collaboration.

2. Level of Engagement: Bridging the Gap Between Daily Realities and Board Meetings

Executive Directors are immersed in the day-to-day operations of the organization, providing them with insights that may elude board members who convene monthly or quarterly. When one group has more information than the other, it can lead to tense discussions around priorities and decision-making.


Establish specific expectations for board engagement, such as attendance at events or volunteering hours. This not only provides board members with firsthand experience of the organization's activities but also facilitates meaningful interactions between the ED and board members. Additionally, define key performance indicators for reports, ensuring that the board remains well-informed.

3. Shared Tasks: Creating a Collaborative Task Framework

Tasks within an organization can sometimes fall through the cracks when responsibilities aren't clearly outlined. This is particularly true for activities that could be undertaken by either the Executive Director or a board member, such as crafting agendas or leading strategic planning.


Conduct an annual meeting to discuss and allocate tasks between the Board and the ED. Maintain a working document outlining responsibilities and update it throughout the year. Proactively addressing these tasks collaboratively sets a precedent for effective teamwork and prevents duplication or neglect.

4. Fundraising: Aligning Expectations and Providing Support

Fundraising often emerges as a source of tension between Executive Directors and Boards. EDs may feel frustrated by a perceived lack of support, while volunteer board members might be unsure about effective fundraising strategies.


Provide guidance on fundraising methods and offer training sessions for board members uncomfortable with making asks or soliciting funds. Engage in one-on-one discussions to address concerns and provide the necessary tools and resources, such as scripts and social media. graphics, and case statements. Set clear fundraising expectations, establish goals, and regularly review progress throughout the year.

While conflicts between Executive Directors and Boards may seem inevitable, a proactive and collaborative approach can transform these challenges into opportunities for growth and synergy. Remember, you are all working towards the same vision and shared mission. By fostering open communication, setting clear expectations, and prioritizing ongoing education, nonprofits can build stronger, more resilient organizations that effectively serve their communities. If you need help navigating ED and Board relations, contact us today! At Spark Group, we are skilled facilitators and conflict resolution mediators. We’d love to talk.

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