An Honest Look at your Staff Culture

An Honest Look at your Staff Culture

The start of the year often leads to self-evaluation and reflection. An organization should take time to evaluate and reflect at the beginning of a new year. A piece of evaluation that can be done is an assessment of the intercultural competency of the organization and the staff. One tool that is used is the Intercultural Development Inventory.

Intercultural Development Inventory

The Intercultural Development Inventory is a tool that can help an organization with its diversity, equity, and inclusion goals. The Intercultural Development Inventory can show organizations where they are in terms of a monocultural mindset or multicultural mindset. The Intercultural Development Inventory will show organizations where they are in that continuum.

5 Orientations for organizations

There are five different possible orientations that organizations can fall onto; denial, polarization, minimization, acceptance, and adaption. Individual staff members take the inventory online and then receive their results from a qualified administrator that goes through their results with them in detail. The individual staff results are summarized and averaged and the organization receives a group result. The administrator also goes through the group report with the organization.

Intercultural Development Plan

The Intercultural Development Inventory is a good tool because it not only provides results of the inventory, but it also provides an additional tool, the Intercultural Development Plan. It provides individuals and groups a plan of next steps to increase their intercultural competency based on where they are at on the continuum. The tool is developmental and is meant to provide a plan to progress. It will also help the organization know how they should move forward in their diversity, equity, and inclusion work and to help them achieve their goals.

Intercultural Development work is important work for today’s world. The new year is a good time for assessment. The Intercultural Development Inventory can help the organization and the staff have an honest look at where they are at and what next steps need to be done. I — Sonya Luna — am a qualified administrator for the Intercultural Development Inventory. I can lead your organization through this process. It is an asset for your organization.

Sign me up!

Reach out to us at Spark Group if you are interested in the IDI and IDP for your organization.

For More Information about the Intercultural Development Inventory, you can explore the website:

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