All tagged Fund Development

Fundraising Activities with High Return on Investment

Fundraising is like the stock market. Some stock options are conservative or highly volatile. You have to take a risk to gain or lose a profit, but you need to be strategic about it. You can measure an investment’s profitability by assessing its return on investment. Similarly, in a fundraising world, you have to invest in your donors, be strategic and determine which fundraising activities will produce a high return on investment. Read more to find out how.

What Should you do to Replace your Annual Gala?

Many nonprofits are considering how to replace their annual galas. COVID-19 threw us all for a loop. Overnight we shift services and developed new structures. However, nonprofits are only able to do their love-changing work through philanthropic support and in-person events still aren’t safe. Below is a curated list of several virtual fundraising ideas to help give you the motivation to run a successful event that helps you continue to keep the lights on and the doors open in the midst of crisis.