How to Harness Your Creativity at Work

Creativity is an often-overlooked skill at work and people often underestimate their creativity. However, everyone is creative and should bring that skill to work. Creativity at work can lead to innovative ideas for problem-solving, programming, fundraising, and increased productivity. Developing your creative skills at work can be beneficial. Here are five tips to harness your creativity at work.

Employee Mental Health in 2022

May is Mental Health Awareness Month – and a great opportunity to talk about Employee mental health. Of course this is no small topic, even in the best of times. And in 2022 … mental health – both in the workplace and out of it – is definitely a topic worth paying attention to. Read more to find out how you can apply flexibility in the workplace to support employee mental health.

Succession Planning 101

Leadership transitions at a nonprofit can be an unexpected surprise, but you can be prepared and weather the transition period successfully by having a written succession plan in place. By taking this step, you’ll not only find yourself with an easier, smoother transition period, but you’ll also taking positive steps toward the long-term sustainability of your organization.

How to Make Cross-Cultural Events Successful

Cross-cultural events can be a fun way for participants to learn more about each other. While many of these events tend to celebrate surface-level culture, to have a successful event it is important to have activities to help participants learn about surface-level and below-the-surface-level culture. Different activities can be done at cross-cultural events to celebrate both levels of culture.

4 Tips for Exceptional Volunteer Management

Whether you celebrate Volunteer Month or Week, April is a time for the nonprofit sector to focus on those who give of their time freely. Volunteers provide an enormous benefit to the sector. For example, volunteerism offers a value of over $1.8 billion dollars to the U.S economy. However, you might find it hard to recruit volunteers and use them well. Spark Group provides four best practices for getting the most out of your volunteer program.

Fundraising Events: In Person or Online?

Many of us fundraising professionals have questions about how or when we can host in-person events. Living with the coronavirus for the past two years has taught us new ways technology can support fundraising to coordinate three types of events: in-person, virtual, and hybrid. Most importantly, we should think about what will make for a unique and meaningful experience for donors.

How to Pivot your Strategic Plan to Meet the COVID Reality

Nonprofit leaders are looking for ways to get back on track with strategic plans developed before the pandemic. But what exactly Pandemic Recovery looks like for each of us varies from organization to organization. Pivoting responds to a new context. It is not the same as ‘mission drift,’ and does NOT signify failure. It takes an organization firmly rooted in its community to respond to its needs.

Top Tools for your Hybrid Workplace

If your team is like ours here at Spark Group, you likely have times when you work remotely and in other situations where you are in person. Sometimes, when working with clients, we work with individuals in-person and virtually simultaneously. Below are our picks for the top tools that help facilitate meaningful hybrid workplaces.

Utilizing Best Practices for Program Design

I like to think of myself as a creative, innovative individual, and often pride myself on my ability to come up with (what I consider to be) great new ideas! So -- full disclosure -- the first time I heard the advice I’m going to share with you today, it was somewhat of a hard pill to swallow.

Utilize existing best practices for Program Design. Funders don’t typically want to see how innovative and creative your new program ideas are; they want to know their money is being invested in proven methods, upholding any industry standards.

Federal Grants: 4 Tips for Greater Success

Writing a federal grant may seem like an intimidating task, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are 4 tips for greater success to help you secure federal grant funding. Of course, no grant application can ever be 100% guaranteed to be successful (and anyone who tells you differently is running a scam!) But with these four tips in mind, you can feel confident as you write and submit your federal grant application.

Allyship in 2022

This year, Allyship should be part of your Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) work. I outlined steps to integrate it into your work. These steps are critical to moving your organization from performative allyship to authentic allyship.